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Its Fourth Quarter (basically) - How are your resolutions doing?

4th Quarter of 2015 - GO TIME

What does it mean?  By the end of this month the year is 3/4th over.  For those good at looking at calendars and math, you might ask - why is this blogger telling me Q3 is over?  Its September!  

Well, lets face it, the year is basically over after Thanksgiving.  Even if you're in sales, you have to prep for December now...not in December.

We are in the 4th Quarter.  When all sales folks want to make quota. When football teams make a press to win, putting in that extra doze of effort.  The players all hold up four fingers. Its a sign to GET SERIOUS

Hold your hands up high with four fingers up.  Do it. 

This is when you open your dream capture system ( aka LifeSparcs) and open that thing up to the front and review the Dreams, Goals, and Musings section.  What in this area gives you energy, gives you passion, provides heart and meaning?  Big questions.  

We must use these socially-sponsored milestones to take a look at our year's Dreams Goals and Musings.  Yes, I'm talking about LifeSparcs, of course.  The third quarter is almost over ! We are on the fourth quarter of 2015. AHH! 

 What are you going to do with that last quarter?  Understand that this is the last chance you have this year to accomplish what you intended to this year.  JUST DO IT!.

Okay, now with lighter fair - 

Now, it is well known that I struggle with the heat like most self-respecting North-westerners, and I hold that a 75 degree day is about as hot as you want to get.  However, I am sad to see summer go - love those shorts and sandals, and the sunsets, etc.

However, we must bid it adieu and with that, we focus on what gives us heart and meaning about Fall. I found  a list on Ranker, and their  list of top fall things and they had their Top 5:

  1. Autumn Leaves
  2. Comfy Clothes
  3. Crisp Air
  4. Halloween

Its a pretty good list, but I'm thinking they forgot some things!  I mean, first of all - FOOTBALL!?  HELLO!  Crazy people.   And then there's Pumpkin Spice Latte  for one should be on there.  And what about  Thanksgiving?   And for those lucky enough...snow!

Seattle is Closed - Geeks RULE!
Recently I've been starting my Autumnal Musings with a little thing called PAX.  I have come to enjoy this gamer's conference very much.   PAX gives introverted gamers a chance to leave their Doritos-littered keyboards, adjust to the daylight, and see other humans and not talk to them.  

I would say you should go, but they're sooooo sold out.  I'll hook you up with pics after. 



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