HW Praxis#21 - Start over - scrap everything, think fresh
I have been on a semi-mission to spend money on books at my local Barnes and Nobel to ensure it stays there, and this trip I'm delighted to report that I've got a new find - Marie Kondo's "the life-changing magic of tidying up"
She is a Japanese organization consultant, which definitely caught my eye. For those who haven't been to Japan, or don't know Japanese people, they are an astoundingly organized culture. Notice I didn't say all Japanese people are organised. "All people do X" is a silly generalization regardless of what you're talking about. However, I do believe cultures have properties, just like people. consider the definition of culture "the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively" and I would say tidiness is part of that. My daughter is studying Japanese and says this property is shared down to the handwriting.
Anyway, having a Japanese organization consultant sounds like having the biggest giant from the land of giants, or the best pizza from New York, or the loudest Seahawk fan...well, you get the point.
I just got the book but check out these quotes, which are certain to be candidates for the HW Praxis List.
"The best way to choose what to keep and what to throw away is to take each item in one’s hand and ask: “Does this spark joy?” If it does, keep it. If not, dispose of it. This is not only the simplest but also the most accurate yardstick by which to judge.”
“People cannot change their habits without first changing their way of thinking.”
HW Praxis #22 - It is never ever too late to do the thing you really need to do
I just watched X-Men: Days of Future Past and loved it. What I was really impressed by, in addition to all the cool story elements and effects (nice to see the 70s again), was Hugh Jackman. I've been reading a bit about weight lifting and getting back into it after your 30s, and this guy actually improved during his 40s...check it.
Left is 30s, Right is 44 - yikes |
But what's interesting is what he said this about this, and has become HW Praxis#23:
Everybody has a dream, and you may think you want it more than everyone else, but you don’t. Everybody wants what they want badly. The difference is, who’s prepared to put in the work to get it. That’s why it has to be the thing you want to do.
The Happy Wisdom praxes link together like legos, and 22 and 23 are perfect for each other. Now, I've read what Hugh has done to look like that, and it is not for the faint of heart.
Nevertheless, if we could look even close to that, or have a life 80% as orderly as Ms. Marie Kondo, wouldn't we be in a fantastic place?
Here's my sources for this episode - Enjoy!
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