So how can one be happy when a birthday comes when your getting older ? Let's consider my Happy Wisdom Pattern #1 - Ask a Child
Fortunately I still have one or two of them at my disposal. My youngest, 9 years old, seeing my discontent over my bday and its larger than life number shrugged his little shoulders and said
"Daddy, why wouldn't you want to celebrate?"
Fortunately I still have one or two of them at my disposal. My youngest, 9 years old, seeing my discontent over my bday and its larger than life number shrugged his little shoulders and said
"Daddy, why wouldn't you want to celebrate?"
Celebration is key to it. With so many high profile deaths you have to be grateful that despite the fame and all the money you lasted longer than they. You've have just a great time because you've been applying happiness patterns and living every minute with a mind towards creating a memory or with intention. Life on purpose, and celebrate every day God gives you in this crazy imperfect bus ride we are on . Especially your birthday !
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