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Showing posts from February, 2014

Happy Wisdom Patterns

From software development and prior to that architecture, learned people have leveraged the power of patterns.  Patterns are structures of learning that can be applied to achieve consistent results.  For architecture its perhaps the golden mean, the mechanisms to create a bridge. In software , my favorite was MVC or model-view-controller .  This is states that User interface must be separate from the data, and from the control ( business logic or execution) .   I've seen folks not follow this pattern and then find themselves updating all three layers of software for changes that otherwise would have been simple had they followed the pattern. Thus we must ask if Happiness has a pattern, if happy wisdom, the two combine, have certain approaches that would glean greater success than just going it in a haphazard sort of way.   Of course I propose there are.   Before I get into the first few, lets discuss why these are not rules or laws .  The trou...


So how can one be happy when a birthday comes when your getting older ?  Let's consider my Happy Wisdom Pattern #1 - Ask a Child Fortunately I still have one or two of them at my disposal.  My youngest, 9 years old, seeing my discontent over my bday and its larger than life number shrugged his little shoulders and said "Daddy, why wouldn't you want to celebrate?"   Celebration is key to it.  With so many high profile deaths you have to be grateful that despite the fame and all the money you lasted longer than they.  You've have just a great time because you've been applying happiness patterns and living every minute with a mind towards creating a memory or with intention.  Life on purpose, and celebrate every day God gives you in this crazy imperfect bus ride we are on .  Especially your birthday !

Sumo Skiing

Having a little fun with the Sochi Olympics.  What if a Sumo tried some of these events?  My sketch...


  Focassion .  No it's not a new moccasin or shoe.  It's not a contagious disease carried by birds.     I've created this word.  I did this because I have gone on about passion in my writings and yet despite that I don't succeed in achieving them always.   I focus on things that I'm not passionate about.  I get distracted by those things that may be practical, but don't advance my mission on earth. What I really want to do.  So I came up on this term. Focassion.  Is it your focus and your passion?  Focassion. It's a noun. It is the one or two things that you focus on they you really are passionate about.    I suggest there can be at most three Focassions.  I would expect a person to spend at least and hour a day on each.  Because your  Focassion is your life.   So what are mine ?  Right now they are...and I reserve the right to change them.  :) My family-  this is pretty obvious. Bu...

Thoughts on snow

Snow used to be something I really look forward to and I still do but for different reasons.  I think Loving Snow is an climbing hold on the climb  of Mt. Happiness. Loving snow has changed, how I interact with that is different.   When I was younger it was all I could do to get out the door. I wouldn't be dillydallying around the house trying to find the right garments to maintain my warmth. I would run out the door without a care; sneakers , jeans, and maybe a doomed scarf.  Now that I'm a slightly older, I like to watch the snow from the window, with a warm cup of coffee and fuzzy socks.  Yet, what I really like is the muzzling of the everyday grind.  This is especially true in the Seattle region , where plows are rookies that rarely get into the game. I love the way it disrupts the normal patterns of life, forcing us to do different things, to pay attention to nature.  So while I will be perfectly content watching out my window my sons are not. The...

Proust Questionnaire - Fun!

One of the principles I've seen that lead to happiness is learning.  We learn about our world through books and experience, but I mean deeper than that.   I mean learning through reflection. Vanity Fair magazine runs this questionnaire through famous people of the time, and I thought it a good practice.  It provides a retrospecitve look at what is important in your life, and where you think it might be going. Give it a shot and see :) Proust Questionnaire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia : 'via Blog this'

Ashton Speech repost

So, I'm trying to diversify my blogging and this is from my, and fits directly into the theme of Happy Wisdom.  This blog answers the question - what wisdom will make you more happy?  How will concepts that lead to happiness lead to wisdom?     We start our journey together here:  [Ashton Kutcher]  What’s up? Oh WOW! Okay, okay, lets be, lets be brutally honest, this is the old guy award, this is like – This is like the grandpa award, and after this, I get to go to the geriatric home. First of all, I don’t have a career without you guys. I don’t get to do any of the things I get to do without you. You know, I thought that uh – hi! I thought that it might be interesting in – in Hollywood in the industry the stuff we do, there’s a lot of insider secrets to keeping your career going and a lot of insider secrets to to to making things tick and uh I feel like a fraud. My name is actually not even Ashton. Ashton is my middle name....