“You only have to do a few things right in your life, so long as you don't do too many things wrong.” - Warren Buffett
But there's so much noise.
When I hear this I think Social Media, and media in general, but its more than that. I've been reading Greg McKeown's book Essentialism, and he's got some great articles online as well. One of my favorites is The Unimportance of Practically Everything, where he discusses items that readers of this blog and LifeSparcs will be familiar with - putting things in a short list, and focusing on those things alone for period of time, or as we call it in the agile coaching business, a timebox. Then you reflect on what you've done...and repeat.
Maybe you think you're a multitasking All Star. The rest of us just aren't good at it. Unfortunately you may be deluding yourself. This study [PDF] by Clifford Nass shows the opposite. Again, from McKeown:
'...heavy media multitaskers are more susceptible to interference from irrelevant environmental stimuli than light media multitaskers. Heavy multitasking may encourage even heavier multitasking because it leads to a “reduced ability to filter out interference.' Could the part of our brain that is processing deeper cogitative thought actually be atrophying in the process?"
But social media is tough. What can we do? Well, you could trap all your devices under bowls but really its just about dedicating ourselves to the concept of understanding that most of our efforts and time are spent doing non-essential things.
We have to prioritize, and actively look for what is really essential. We must eliminate the nonessentials, say no to 1,000 projects, parties, events, activities...whatever...in order to say yes to the one that is exactly what we are looking for.
I learned that Warren Buffett earn most of his vast wealth by owning just 10 stocks. He knew he couldn't know them all, not deeply, so he focused, and dove deep into them individually.
What is on your List? What are your high potential stocks? Your top dream? Maybe your team's dream or your company's dream? How many projects do you have going on? For an individual if you've got more than two, you've got some trimming to do.
If you're using the LifeSparcs system, we're talking about filling in that Situation area. What is the ONE thing you're going to focus on for that week? What is the promise that it could deliver? Emotional payback? If other things come up feel free to write them in front of the memobook, but resist the urge to add it to your current time box.
I have started to color code my tasks. I have two major projects - LifeSparcs itself, and my seemingly never ending fiction book I'm writing. Add to that work commitments ( what I call Plan A) and family stuff ( Happy Home) I've got four main things. But only two are really projects, the first two. Nevertheless, I color code my tasks in the Action area now, with the intention of quickly visualizing what I'm spending time on. I hope to see most of the activity on the first two, since Plan A and the Fam usually take what they need from me. I deeply enjoy all four of these aspects of my life. I am singing the song of life, and they are my notes. Plan A and the Fam are the rejuvenation step for my other two items, forming a virtuous cycle.
But the first two are not automatic. The book will not write itself. The business will not move forward by itself. LifeSparcs is the only way I can ensure I've removed the noise, the Unessential, and really am making movement on my dreams.
So, are you making movement on your dreams? Make sure you are by eliminating all the Noise and getting to the Signal.
Have a great week 22!
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